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Mastercard Data & Services helps consumer packaged goods companies make data-driven decisions, navigate the shift to digital channels and reach and nurture today's consumers.
Consumer Packaged Goods

Mastercard Data & Services helps companies within the CPG industry make data-driven decisions, navigate the shift to digital and reach and nurture consumers

Discover new insights and opportunities

Find opportunities with suppliers, distributors and consumers based on insights gleaned from our 110 billion aggregated and anonymized transactions, your data and third-party data.

We expose you to the latest technology and CPG innovations to help you benchmark performance relative to your competition, understand market and consumer trends within the CPG industry and more. 

Uncover opportunities with suppliers, distributers and consumers

Mastercard Data & Services empowers consumer packaged goods brands to navigate complex and evolving trends with proprietary data, people and platforms. 

Test & Learn®

Mastercard Test & Learn, a multi-patented analytics platform, helps business leaders make decisions with more confidence by analyzing in-market business experiments.

Loyalty Offers

Differentiate your business with seamless, digital, personalized offers powered by Mastercard

Ongoing Monitor risk exposure

Automate, manage, measure and optimize loyalty and customer engagement at scale.


SpendingPulse™ provides market intelligence based on consumer buying behavior. These insights include analysis of current market trends & forecasts of customer spending patterns

Cyber Quant - Unlock Icon
Cyber Quant

Identify and quantify cyber security risks, flag security gaps, and estimate the impact of new cyber security controls on the business within an organization’s relevant threat landscape, to create personalized results and recommendations

Customer Data Enhancement
Dynamic Yield

Transform simple customer interactions into long-lasting, hyper-personalized relationships.

Additional resources

CPG Trends 2023
2023 CPG Trends

Economic factors such as high inflation and interest rates continue to influence consumer spending decisions. These decisions are critical for the consumer goods industry to understand. 

Nestle Thumbnail Option 3
Test & Learn® at Nestlé: Championing Innovation

Learn how Raegon Barnes, Director of Category Leadership at Nestlé, uses Test & Learn® to champion innovation.

Retail Vid Teaser
Driving growth for CPGs

Learn how Mastercard helps consumer goods companies drive growth with innovation, digitization and sustainability solutions.

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Optimize operations in an uncertain economy with business experimentation

Learn how Coca-Cola and other brands are leveraging business experimentation to adapt to a shifting economic landscape and emerging consumer trends.

Evolution of CPG Retail and the Consumer
Bentonville Summit: The evolution of CPG, retail and the consumer

Learn the three key trends impacting CPGs and retailers in 2023 and how brands like Nestlé are adapting as the industries evolve.

Testing Trends
Bentonville Summit: Testing trends from across the globe

Discover the largest testing trends in the retail and CPG industries and learn how P&G and Kraft Heinz are using experimentation to stay ahead.

A large CPG generated incremental revenue by using Test & Learn® to rollout a pricing change.
Large CPG manufacturer